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College apps were the bombs, now we have the apocalypse

Writer: Yamato IrieYamato Irie

If there was a grim reaper of procrastination, I've dodged his scythe a million times now. You can even call me immortal, but it looks as though the reaper will finally get me this time.

I got away with working on two college applications a few days before the due date. I annoyed and bothered Mrs. Honda and my teachers multiple times, asking them to send me last-minute documents and signatures. At the end, I successfully defeated two large college apps in the span of a few days. My essays came out solid, and my activities were appealing. That's one of the good things of having a gun pointed at your head while you write (you're forced to focus all of your brain cells on the paper).

Now I have a ton of work left undone because I was working on apps. Yet, being completely undeserved of a reward, this is what my mind tells me when I get out of school at 2 pm:

Oh, I worked so hard on my college apps last week, and I'm exhausted from class. I need a break. Lemme just take 2 hours to play some video games, then I will start doing work!

Our minds are truly interesting. Why is discipline such a hard thing to master?

When I finally get to work, I drop down and lay my head down in front of the keyboard, just like the girl in the picture. I think of all the assignments I have left to do, lift my head up, and open google classroom. Every 10 minutes or so, I get distracted and somehow end up watching a 30-minute video essay about how lonely people are in Japan.

"Dang, that's depressing" I say after watching the video, but then I remember that I have multiple assignments unfinished, and I say again: "Dang, that's depressing."

Lesson to be learned here for the fellow procrastinator who's reading this: Just do it. It's not even that hard. The only reason it was hard for me was because I did it so late.

I know what you're thinking: If it's not that hard I can just do it last minute, and I'll be fine right?

No, you won't be fine. You will probably pull it off, but you will be stressed after. Classes get harder as the semester progresses. Greater workload and harder tests. You'll probably have a project or two to do. You will suffer like me. Better to evenly spread the suffering than to pack it into the last few weeks of school.

Last note:

AT LEAST give yourself four days to work on the personal insight questions for UC's. Two days to write, and two days to revise. If you still have plenty of time, you can even just make it one essay per week. Go to YouTube and look up "Personal Statements essays," and you'll get great examples. It'll get you motivated and inspired.


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