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Back from Summer Break and Looking Forward to the New Semester

Writer: Yamato IrieYamato Irie

Updated: Dec 10, 2020


It was a pretty chill summer. Though I'm not a introvert, neither am I an extrovert. According to a 2019 PSAT article, that makes me an ambivert. That means I held up just fine talking to my friends online and playing Minecraft and Valorant with them. I even made new friends meeting random strangers online on VRChat or Discord. It was comfy always being at home. I watched a lot of anime, watched a few movies, and listened to loads of music. My lofi playlist came in clutch.

By the way people, sad that you can't go to the movie theaters? Sad that you can't watch the Umbrella Academy with your best friend? Kosmi is a great website to do exactly that! Watch movies, shows, and listen to music with your friend from long-distance. Get Kosmi today (not sponsored unfortunately).

Some productive things I did during break was learning French and Piano, both of which I am getting better at everyday. I took a speech class and a SAT course that cost almost $1.5k (rip SAT's and rip me). Anyways, I overall enjoyed a quarantined summer break. It really allowed me to invest in myself and create new hobbies. Of course, I understand it wasn't so great for many. People lost jobs, businesses, and even lives. I am truly sorry for those who are less fortunate, and wish my best regards for anyone who is struggling at the moment.

This Semester:

I always imagined senior year to be the best year. With covid, it certainly has degraded, but so far my hopes still remain. The classes I take and the things we learn seem to be more intriguing. I know most of the people in my class now, and it feels more like a community rather than a class. Especially with Engineering. Now that we've all been in the same class for 3 years, we're like family. It's always nice to see familiar faces, and it's interesting to see how people have grown over the years. I love our engineering class because everyone's nerdy to a certain degree. We all vibe similarly, and we all like to engineer.

It will be interesting to see how things work out online, and to be honest, I'm super bummed that the project thingy (I forgot what it's called) they do each year in engineering is probably not going to work out. Will we make individual projects? How will we collaborate with our peers?

Just some curious questions. 2020 is certainly an unpredictable year.

Anyways, have a nice week people ^^


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